utorok 15. novembra 2011

Devendra Banhart

Okej, priznávam, že Devendra nie je "naozajstný" ilustrátor, ale určite je úspešný výtvarník - a taktiež slávny hudobník - a jeho obrazotvornosť sa mi zdá veľmi jedinečná a inšpiratívna. Prvýkrát som videla jeho kresby tu http://uk.phaidon.com/store/art/vitamin-d-9780714845456/ (úžasná kniha!), dávno predtým, než som sa na prvý posluch zamilovala do jeho hudby.

Okay, I must admit that Devendra isn't "real" illustrator, but he is succesful visual artist - as well as famous musician - and I found his imagination very unique and inspirative. First time I saw his drawing here http://uk.phaidon.com/store/art/vitamin-d-9780714845456/ (amaizing book!), long time before I instantly fell in love with his music.

Tu je jeho portfólio / His portfolio is here http://devendrabanhart-art.com/
a tu jeho hudobná stránka / and his musical website here http://www.devendrabanhart.com/

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